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What is stress?

Without going into great detail, stress can be classed as “the non-specific response of the body to any demands made upon it.” When we talk of “demands” made upon us this can mean several things, a threat or challenge that requires us to change in some way. The response is automatic and immediate. Stress is not always a bad thing, it can be helpful to us (eustress) this is when we use it to perform better, but when it is destructive (distress) it can make us ill.

Causes of stress

Due to a variety of socio-economic reasons Stress has become more and more widely recognized by both individuals and employers. Some Companies are now paying stress managers to help their staff to deal with stress more efficiently.

If you look around, you will notice that the causes of stress fall into two categorizes, lets call them triggers, internal and external.

External could be:

Major life events like death, losing your job or even being promoted. Daily life hassles like traffic, time constraints or technology. Then there’s the stress from the physical environment, like noise, bright lights, and confined spaces. Lets not forget the social stressors - other people, rudeness, parking your car, bullying.

Internal could be:

Lifestyle choices: too much work, not getting enough sleep or drinking to much caffeine and no exercise. Some people over analyze and become self critical and have negative internal dialogue. Having unrealistic expectations and not being flexible.

How Hypnotherapy can help deal with stress

Stress management takes in various therapeutic models and tailors a programme to include not just dealing with the presenting stress but to avoid reaching high stress levels in the first place.

Hypnotherapy looks at the whole person not just the stress. Firstly, teaching relaxation techniques so the person can produce this state when ever they wish, then looking at changing various areas of the person’s life.

Lifestyle Habits

Reducing Stressful Situations

How you think

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